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For the purpose of fees only, the FOIA divides requesters into four categories:

  1. Commercial requesters who may be charged fees for searching, reviewing, and photocopying records;
  2. Educational or noncommercial scientific institutions may be charged for photocopying, only after the first 100 pages;
  3. Representatives of the news media are charged for photocopying after the first 100 pages; and
  4. All other requesters (requesters who do not fall into any of the other three categories) are charged for photocopying after 100 pages and for time spent searching for records in excess of two hours. The Department of Labor charges $0.15 per page for photocopying. Actual costs are charged for formats other than paper, such as computer tapes, disks and videotapes.

You may include in your request a specific statement limiting the amount of fees that you are willing to pay. If you do not do so, the Department of Labor will assume that you are willing to pay fees up to $25. If we estimate that the fees for processing your request will exceed $250, we will notify you of the estimate and offer you an opportunity to narrow the scope of your request in order to reduce the fees. Additional information about FOIA fees can be found at

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